2016-07-26 17:08:31 hits:371

What factors have caused the roller shell of biomass pellet machine to skid?

1. The gap between the roller shafts is too large.

When using the pellet machine, if the gap between the roller shell and the die is too large, then the roller shell may skid, which may cause uneven pellets and a lower production. This problem can be solved by narrowing the gap between the roller shell and the die.

the roller shell skid

2. The moisture content of the raw material is too high.

When using the pellet machine, if the moisture content of the raw material is too high, then the roller shell may skid. Therefore, we’d better limit the moisture content of the raw material in a reasonable range.
the roller shell skid

3. The bearings of the pellet machine is fixed too tight.

When installing the pellet machine, the bearings could not be fixed too tight, or it may cause skid when pelletizing. Therefore, we should inspect the flexibility of the roller shell when finished the installation.

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